Thursday, October 31, 2013

92 people died in Sahara desert

I found this article on CNN.

 According to the article, 92 bodies have founded in Niger, and almost all of them were women or children. They tried to escape from Niger to Algeria to get better life. However, the vehicle that they rode on broke down in Sahara desert, and they might be died of thirst.

 I was really shocked and surprised to hear the number of died bodies. I wondered why there were so many bodies in Sahara desert. Actually, most of died people were women and children, and they left their country with a hope to get better life. However, unfortunately, they died rather than got a better life. I thought if the track were not the vehicle that used to escape from the country but official one, they would be rescued because governments would notice something wrong with the track. I hope their family can spend life without them, and I realized the dangerous of Sahara desert.
 ★ If you were in Sahara desert with no foods or water, what would you do to survive
 ★ If you were left in the island alone, what could you bring by three items.

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