Monday, November 18, 2013

Teacher's salary is in danger

 I read the article in Japan Times.

 The Finance Ministry has recently proposed the bill to reduce annual salaries of teachers at school. Some people concerns about this proposal because the quality of education in Japan might decrease sharply although the ministry plan to use the budget to the students.

 I feel like spending money to another aspect of education such as study abroad programs, cutting-edge facilities, and servicies. However, cutting teacher's salary is not appropriate way to improve Japanese education itself. As the article said, the satisfaction and status of teachers in Japan is already low caused by the environment and system. The best idea I suggest is not to reduce the salary of teachers, but to reduce the wastefully used money to the government. Many students in KUIS want to teach English in junior or high school in the near future. And one big reason is because teacher is a very stable job which is a public employee who can get an average salary without being influenced by economy. Therefore, reducing the salary means to reduce the number of people who want to be a teacher. The government should reconsider this point.

1 Do you agree with the proposal to reduce annual salary and number of teachers in order to make money?
2 What do you think is the reason for some people to be a teacher except for the reason to enjoy teaching to children?

Lioness was killed by another lion in zoo

I found this article on CNN

According to the article, a male lion killed other lioness while zoo visitors watching lions. After the accident, the lion killed other lion and other family members were took from the zoo.incidentStaffs in the zoo said that this case is really rare and merely happened. He said he has worked for 35years but he never experience this incident.

I was surprised at the news when I found the article. As mentioned in the article, visitors thought lioness just played together, but they realized that actually a lion killed another lioness!! Staff said they don't know why that terrible case happened. I am very sorry to the lioness who was killed and his family.   If this case occurred by human, absolutely who killed somebody would be punished. However, it is difficult to do same thing to animals. In fact, 3days later, the lion who occur incident was put back to the zoo.I worry if he do same thing again...

☆ why do you think the incident happened?

☆ when accident like this case happened, how do you think people  should do or deal with animals?

Facebook leads to biological family

I read a heart-warming article this week.

Elizabeth Boys is a woman who was adopted when she was a day old. She had not tried to find the biological mother until her older sister who was adopted too found her real mother. After that, she used Facebook to find her biological family. She posted a message about her project. 36 hours later, she got a message from her real brother who have never met. Finally, she met her brother and had a good time with her real family.

I do not use Twitter or Facebook because I am afraid of spreading our information. Some people use SNS with wrong way for example, to post slander or use an online dating site just for fun. Therefore, my impression of SNS was not good, but it changed after I read this article. I surprised that it worked for finding biological family on Facebook. It was a good example to use SNS. I know that causes of spreading information are not only SNS, so we should care about how we keep our information. Elizabeth did not know that she had an older brother, so it was a great opportunity for her to find her real family, and met her real brother.

How do you use SNS?
Would you try to find your biological family, if you were adopted?

Loews Hotels to allow booking of rooms by Twitter

I read the article about hotel on USA TODAY.

According to the article, a hotel chain Loews Hotels and Resorts will start a new booking system on twitter. After customers tweet, a travel planner arranges the room and tweets information. Increase of young travelers is expected with this plan.

When I make a reservation for a hotel room, I usually use online booking system. I had called only twice to book a room because those cheap Japanese style hotels are small and have no online form to reserve. However, making phone calls were really inconvenient. On the other hand, I prefer searching on the internet and mobile phone because I can connect a large amount of information anytime and anywhere. In addition, if the hotel has an English website, I can stay in any countries. Actually, I do not use twitter, but it is an easy and common application supported by many users all over the world. Therefore, I think this plan will boost the sales.

There are two questions about how to find and book a hotel.
How do you look for a hotel?
How do you usually contact a hotel to book a room?

Giant red lantern gets makeover

I found the article on Japan Times.


On Monday, a ceremony took place in Sensoji Temple because of a makeover of the giant red lantern at Kaminarimon. This time was the fifth makeover for the lantern. The lantern made from handmade Japanese paper from Fukui and bamboo from Kyoto. Kaminarimon was first built in the Heian period, but the gate was entirely destroyed by fire, so Konosuke Matsushita who was a founder of Panasonic asked to rebuild the gate.


Recently, many people said that traditional thing is disappearing. However, many people try to carry on a tradition like this news.

On the other hand, probably, some traditional events have become uncommon for many families. For example, my neighbors do not raise a carp banner in May. Also, my friend’s family does not scatter parched beans in February, 3. And many people might not know why people eat Osechi in the New Year.

Every traditional thing like the red lantern at Kaminarimon, a carp streamer, the hina dolls are very important. We have to carry on wonderful tradition of Japan.



1)    Do you know well about Japanese tradition?

2)    How can we carry on the tradition?

This year would be in a record.

I read this article on BBC.

This year would be in the record of the top 10 warmest. The head of WMO, Michel Jarraud, says that all of the warmest years have been since 1998. Also, he said that climate change is caused by some reason, and one of them is human behavior. 

Global warming is a serious problem but I did not know much about the relationships between emission and typhoon. The damage of big typhoon which attacked Philippine was terrible. Also, I was surprised at the record, all top 10 warmest years are after 1998. I think it means the global warming became serious after 1998. This article mentions the cause of it is human, so our actions result not only rising temperature, but also causes climate changes, such as typhoon. I think it is responsibility not only of human bot I felt that we have to do something to solve it or make this situation better.

Here are my questions for you.
1.    How do you feel about the record?
2.    Do you have any ideas to solve this issue?

When do yo do? Now!

Hey guys, it's getting colder in this season, didn't you catch cold?? I do worry about it. :(

Anyway, today I found an article on Japan Times. Yeah, usually Japan Times.

This article is about the popular phrase  by Osamu Hayashi, "ima desho!". This phrase is perhaps going to be selected as a word of the year. Also this is originally come from TV commercial of Toyota in January. When somebody studies or does something lazy, or not try to do that thing, this phrase may cheer  them.

I have been wondering, some of the phrase like this is really used by us so much? In the past,2012, like "kono hito wo miyo"(look at this man) is nominated, but actually did you used it so much? I want to know how these words are voted. On the other hand, if we look at these phrases in the past, we can learn what happened at that time. This is very interesting to search information from just one phrase on the internet or other media.

So, let me ask you
How much are you interested in this kind of phrase?
What word or phrase do you think it will be nominated as the buzz word of the year?

Qatar migrant workers 'treated like animals'

I found this article on BBC.

Migrant workers who work at the construction sector for Fifa World Cup 2022 in Qatar have received cruel treatment, said a human rights group. They suffer from non-payment of wages, dangerous working conditions and dirty accommodation. Moreover, some of them died because of their hard working.

When I read this article, I got a shock and felt very sad about severe conditions of migrant workers. I was also surprised because those problems happened at a construction site of World Cup stadium. The article shows migrant workers’ terrible working environment that they work 12 hours a day, seven days a week with a low or no salaries, and they are threatened with penalty fines and deportation. I think Qatari government should treat this problem as a serious thing and support those poor workers in various aspects to prevent a human rights violation. I hope the problems are resolved and migrant workers can work with relief.

・What do you think such poor working conditions of migrant workers?
・How can we protect ourselves from illegal companies?

Taking enjoyment in running of singles and possible risks

This week, I read this article of The Japan Times.
Today, many Japanese people who are single from now onward run for pleasure together. A man said to run is to live and he does not need women anymore, because they will just interfere with his running. Not only adult men, also women from younger to elder have the habitat.
The aims of some people who take part in some marathon are to make friends and have good relationships with other celibate people not only the same sex. A Japanese proverb, “kazu ucha ataru” say fire enough bullets and you are bound to hit something. I agree with it but concerning the purpose based on the saying is imprudent. This article says that some sexless people among Japanese were so rare because they held drinking parties to have sex with a string of one-night not to make friends. It is difficult to understand their thinking for me because it has risks of crimes or injuries. The running for pleasure is nice for the people but the people should be careful for themselves.
I have two questions for you. What do you think about the thought of “kazu uctya ataru” against people’s relationships? As a single woman says running definitely brings her happiness, and love and marriage involve too many risks. Do you agree or disagree with this thought? Why?

Wombs for rent: India's surrogate mother boomtown

I found this controversial article from CNN.

In the India, surrogacy is popular among the women now. India has the second largest population of surrogates because of the low cost of the procedure or many good doctors, and their majority can get lots of money. However the system started to  be regulated by the government.

 I was shocked to know this situation in the India. Actually, the surrogates can get lots of money instead of their newborn babies and realize what they wanted to do like building a house or educating their own children. Both the surrogate and the couple who desires a child can start new life, but I'm concerned about children who were sent to unreal family. If the child knew the fact she or he would be shocked and feel sorrow. I believe that most children want to grow up with their real family if there is no problem such as abuse. In this article, one of the critics said "It's like organ sale." His opinion sounds extreme but I got similar feeling to his, because they give birth for money. This is very difficult and controversial issue, so I want many people to think about it.

I'd  like to ask you following questions.
1. Do you agree or disagree with this surrogacy issue in the India?
2. Why?

Why do songs stick in our heads?

I read this article on BBC.

“Earworms” It means songs that get stuck in our brains and go round round…!According to the research it shows our minds or stresses. Sometimes earworms make us unpleasant, and finally one psychologist found solutions.
I guess that many people experienced this “earworms” phenomenon. If these songs are not favorite or unlike songs for you, these would be annoyed us. In my case, Kyari pamyu-pamyu’s songs are often repeated in my head. There are a lot of repetitions. For example, “fashion monster” or “tukema” in her lyrics. It makes her songs catchy. Actually these are not irritate me.
Moreover, in the way of learning English class, I learned that “sing a song” is a one of strategy to learn English effectively therefore songs are very helpful to study so I want to use it for next vocabulary test.
1.Tell me, what or whose songs are often stuck in your head?
2.Have you ever used songs for study?

Reading a book!

This week I read this news on BBC. A writer, Ann Morgan stated her gaol to read a book from every coutries in the world in one year. The number of countries that she read is 196 countries. The reason why she decided to read a book is she thought that she has only read stories from English-speaking-auther. I think that reading books from every countries in the world is hard because as she mentioned it is hard to taranslate languages. It takes long time and makes her tired. My reading is confined to stories by Japanese-speaking and English-speaking authors. However, these days, we can read a book which is translated into Japanese from other languages, so I think I can read a book which is written by people who are not Japanese-speaker and English-speaker. I think that to get books from all countries is hard for her, but probabry people who read this article will send books for her. I really feel that I have to read books at home because I can learn many things such as languages, advice and values. I will try to read books in Japanese and English out of classes. I have two questions 1,What do you think about this article? 2,What is your recommend books in Japanese and English?

Kangaroo helps pre-term babies

I found an article related to health on BBC.

Some researchers found that basic and intensive care that kangaroos do in their pouches, such as breastfeeding, temperature control and protection from infection, is the better way to save pre-term babies in the world  from impairment or death.

I did not know that kangaroo has such a great and practical way of childcare, and it is a better way to save babies who were born too soon from diseases which cause a serious disorder or even death. For better or worse, we tend to heavily rely on the power of technology to solve complicated problems; however, I can say for sure that we can get a lot of useful and effective solutions from not only artificial things but also nature, and in fact, this "kangaroo care" is one of the examples of the fact that nature can improve our lives. Finally, I really hope that pre-term babies survive strongly. (110 words)

Then, here are 2 questions for you.
1: Do you have  your own way to solve difficult problems? If yes, what?
2: What do you think is a practical and effective way to share ideas which makes our lives much better?

Sunday, November 17, 2013

The waitress who was refused a tip because she's gay

I read this article on CNN.

According to this, a waitress in New Jersey could not get a tip from a family who gave a message that they disagree with her lifestyle and how she lives because she is gay. She told about this incident to CNN, then she got tips from all over the world.
I could not believe about this family and the reason, but more than this I'm proud of people in the world because they definitely acted to be against the family's thought. This action is not easy. In Japan, there is no system of tip like American society, but I do not care about server's lifestyle and her or him appearance when I am eating in a restaurant. People should pay tips for just appreciation of servers' behavior regardless of their lifestyle. It is because these are not necessary information for customers obviously. In addition, It is a pity that the children who were raised by the parents were taught discrimination naturally.

Here is the question:
What do you think if your personality was denied by other people?
Can you send tips for people like this woman?

What is "e-cigarettes"?

I found this news on BBC!

This news tells that the Electronic Cigarettes has been common in the UK. The researchers expect this e-cigarettes could save millions of lives because it has effectiveness like nicotine patches in helping smokers quit. Furthermore, there are 100,000 deaths per year relates to smoking in UK, so e-cigarettes could prevent some of these deaths.

After I read this, I deeply understood about e-cigarettes because I have hardly seen such cigarettes ever. As my understanding, many of deaths are attributable to smoking. So I am sure that this e-cigarettes will make a roll to decrease the death rate caused by smoking. According this article, e-cigarettes will be licensed as a medicine from 2016. If it has license, it will more spread to quit smoke than today. As my opinion, cigarettes bring many problem not only smokers but also people around them, so I want them to quit smoking by using it. Because my workplace is full of smokers, I'm really influenced by them, that is trouble for me!

I have questions!

Have you ever had trouble about smoking?
Do you expect about e-cigarettes to prevent disease in the future?

The Greatest Woman

I found interesting article on TIME.

 [Summary] On Saturday, in California, Angelina Jolie was given Oscar for her humanitarian work at the Governors Award Ceremony. She is a well-known actress in the world, 38 years old, is a wife of Brad Pitt who is also well-known actor. She has been worked on more than 40 projects all over the world.

 [Reflection] I think that she is one of the greatest women in the world. Therefore, it is taken for granted that she was awarded Oscar. I have a respect for her because she has been worked on many projects. As everyone knows, she is a very famous actress and she has influence. It is great to work on some projects if celebrities like Angelina Jolie do so. For instance, it will be hard to help suffered people for ordinary people because it will spend much money. However, celebrities can do so because they have a power of help and much money.

Q1. Do you want to work on a project or help suffered people?

Q2.Do you think it is a good way that celebrities do things like this?

What Do You Think about Climate Change?

I read a sence of serious article on BBC.

The UK's Disasters Emergency Committee has claimed that country should take actions on climate change, and the protesters marched in Warsaw. The committee said that Typhoon Haiyan was a indication of the future for so many people who will be in danger of natural disasters.

I feel that climate is changing, and as time moves on, more and more news about abnomal weather are broadcasted. Recentry a big typhoon attackted Vietnam, and some people died because of the typhoon. In Japan, it is about 25 times that typhoon come for a year. Each times it happens, people are at risk. In additon, abnomal weather causes the biggest and strongest typhoon, heavy rain, hurricanes, and so on. One reason why abnomal weather happen is emmition of CO2, so we sould take actions to reduce it. If we could do it, we might see the better future for us. After I read this article, I thought about our future.

1 What can we do for the nature?
2 What can you see in the future if this situations keep going on?

A big typhoon attacked Phillipins

I am shocked to hear this news.
A big typhoon hit Philippines with very serious damages. Due to this typhoon, many houses were destroyed.There are a lot of children who were separated from their parents and they are in very serious conditions. Other countries aid some goods to Phillipins.
I heard this news on TV, and I knew these serious conditions. The TV reporter said "the peace of phillipins became worse because people who lost their houses try to secure their foods or some things to keep their living. Therefore some people attacked cars and helicoptors which are carrying some aids from other countries. Because of this, the supplies cannot be carried to all the people who evacuated." Even if we aid some goods for phillipins, we cannot send all things to all the people. I want Phillipins to recover the conditions and the good peace. Also I want everyone to know this news and do something for Phillipins.
Then, I have two questions. 1. What can we do for Phillipins? 2. If you were in the same situation, what would you do ? Would you also attack the cars and helicopters which carry som aids?

China reforms: One-child policy to be relaxed

I read news about Chinese policies on BBC.
According to state media, China is easing its restriction on a one-child policy, so residents in rural areas and ethnic minorities are already exempted from the policy. This is inclusive of some other policies recently made. In the countryside, women can have two babies if the first is a boy.
We know Japan faces some national problems such as the falling birthrate and aging society. When China faced a population explosion in 1970s because of Mao Zedong’s policy, it introduced this one-child policy. However, because this policy forces women to abort an unborn baby, I criticize the policy. When I read this article, I associated it with a gender issue. Forcing women both to give birth without any contraception and abortions and not to have some babies is inhumane because unintended pregnancy is sad news for women. Meanwhile Japan now focuses on promoting having many children due to the declining . Japanese city governments give allowances to a family when parents have a new-born infant or their children enter a school. This system will encourage women to have a baby without any compelling force, thus settling the “declining birthrate” problem.
Please let me ask you two questions.
1. What do you think about these Chinese policies?
2. What will you be careful about when you consider how you make your livelihood after having a child?

The condition of Philippine.

I think that this news should be paid attention.

The relief operation of Philippine is improving thanks for receiving support of US. On last friday, more than 11million people affected by big Typhoon Haiyan.  US offered some vehicles to the country to give civilians supplies. The help is considered unprecedented for US and it would be great one for philippine.

I hope and want Philippine's condition to be better if reconstruction is difficult and taking much time. I saw pictures which were taken in Philippine on BBC. I was not able to understand the shape of land and what happened there because the state was so terrible.
I have a friend who are half Philippine and Japanese and was born in Philippine so I feel that I can not be indifferent to the disaster. According to the news, UK is making a lot of effort. In addition, I hear the UK efforts a lot of times, so I thought that Japan also have to help the country as well as UK. I consider how about to start a fundraising campaign in KUIS. If the fund is less than UK, I believe that our feelings to the country and people can reach them.

1.How can we support Philippine?
2.Have you ever helped other countries which were suffered from disasters?

The longest flight

I read this news this week.
Now, the longest direct flights in the world is 19 hours on Singapore Airlines connect to Singapore to Newjersey since 2004. However the nonstop flights are going to be cancelled in this year because of the money problems. It is cost a lot to flight a long time, like using ton of engines.

I am not prefer to spend a lot of time in an airplane like spending over 10 hours. Because I am no able to move my body freely and the seat is kind of small for such a long flight. But I think there are good points on the longest flight. For example we do not have to change to a next flight. (connecting flight). Some analysts said that it means saving 6 hours.
To me, this news is not surprising and shocking, but I can understand the problem of money. If there is an airplane which flies the longest time, it needs many engine fuels. it is an obvious fact. So there is nothing we can do.

1 Have you ever experienced such a long flight? Hoe did you feel? If no, Do you prefer to connecting flight?
2 What do yo think about airline industry?