Friday, November 8, 2013

foods fraud in Japan

 I found this article on The Japan Times.

These days, more and more restaurants have apologized for their food fraud since Hankyu Hanshin Hotel were reported to misreported their ingredients. Including Hankyu Hotel, almost all of hotels used cheaper ingredients than the ingredients labeled on the menu. Now, it is discussed in Japan that government should make a law to label the ingredient to restaurants.

As you know, many restaurants have held apologies interview with rapidly, and we often see it on the TV. According to the article, government requires food companies to label detail ingredients information on their products. However, they do not force restaurants to do that. I was so disappointed on this news. I thought Japan is safer than other countries and proud of their strict food rules. However, not only Hankyu Hotel, but also many other restaurants had done that. To recover evaluation of Japan, government should require restaurants to label ingredients exactly like food companies, otherwise, we will lost many foreign tourists.

What kind image do you have to Japanese foods?
How do you feel about the news, and what should Japan do later?

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Facebook is gone

I found interesting article on CNN.

[Summary] Every day, one buttons are seen more than 22 billion times, appeared on 7.5 million websites. According to new numbers released by the social network, that buttons are the Facebook Like and Share buttons. These are the most widespread of internet icons and both of them will be resigned first time ever.

[Reflection] I cannot understand why they decided to change these impressive icons. I think it is not needed to take the trouble to change them. I am actually one of the users of Facebook, so I really surprised at this decision. These icons are very familiar to me and sociable because we can express how we sympathize with something to people all over the world by these unique icons. This “thumb up” image could make people to understand the meaning of button easily. However, I have to accept this reality because there seem to be few oppositions and it would never be the same again.

 Q1. Which designs do you prefer?
 Q2. Do you think this change make it some differences?

Monday, November 4, 2013

Food crimes in America

I found a interesting article on cnn, eatocracy.

According to the article, food in the U.S was often stolen by someone. Crimes about food happened many times, so this year became a big year for food robber. For example, Bourbon or some wine cases were stolen in Kentucky and the amount of damage $26.000.

The example is not only this but also other cases about food crimes were listed. Why these cases happened this year? I guess there are some reasons but I don't think I can find the answer. I heard food crimes in Japan once. It was a big earthquake at the area of Tohoku in 2011. At that time, I was in Miyagi. Due to the stop of traffic, all of food distribution was stopped, so we have to get some food to survive. Supermarkets had not been working well, so it was easier to steal some food than usual. Of course I didn't do something like this! but I heard some people who I don't know did. Fortunately the robbers were less.  In Japan, food crimes are not common except under the particular situation. There are many food crimes in America, however, the food is not actually the necessities of life like wine or Campbell’s soup. I think that' just a crime, should be banned strictly.

I have 2 questions here:
Why do you think the robbers steal a much amount of food?
Do you think is it okay to steal some food when we have to survive?

Washoku as a cultural heritage

I found this article on Japan Times.

UNESCO is going to have a vote to choose washoku as an Intangible Cultural Heritage in next December. If washoku win, it would be 22nd ICH in Japan. Also, that news will promote Tokyo Olympic in 2020, and safety of Japanese food after nuclear incident in Fukushima.

I have not known that Japan already has 21 Intangible Cultural Heritages. I searched other Japanese ICHs. Most of them are performances like music and play, and some others are festivals, dances and so on. These things did not seem to be familiar for the public because we usually do not have any opportunities to watch those programs or events. However, food is directly related to our daily lives, so I though washoku is really appropriate to be the heritage. Therefore, I hope washoku will become the ICH, and more and more people all over the world will be interested in it.

Of course I like washoku because it’s good for our health, and I know that each local area has different traditions, so I’d like to ask you:
What are good points of washoku?
Do you know any interesting or unique feature of Japanese local food?

Breads for Japanese

I read this article this week.

Japan has a rice-based culture but eating bread instead of rice is also common these days. The most eaten loaf is “shuokupan,” which color is white and square bread. The one of the reasons is that the color and softly feel like rice or rice cakes are acceptable for Japanese.

This article is very unique because the author focuses on the bread in Japan. She said that the top three bread-consuming cities are Kobe, Kyoto and Nara. All of the cities are Kinki region and the areas are very famous for Japanese traditional culture and they have been accepted Western culture. In my opinion, these countries are ranked because they have a long history to accept Western food culture like breads and a lot of foreigners visit there because there has wonderful Japanese culture so selling loaf is in demand. I was surprised because today, Japanese filled sweet or savory breads are popular in other countries.
I have two questions for you. Do you think Why Kinki area is ranked? Which one do you like to eat for your breakfast: breads or rice? Why?

Japan and China

This is the article I read this week.

The Japan-China Economic Association is eager to have a discussion in order to strengthen the economic relations. Some people in both countries say that we should tackle this issue along with the tough one which is about Senkaku island.

The relations among Asia seem to be the considerable one that we have to built. The relation between Japan and China is also very important for both countries, especially for Japan, to improve and recover the economy in the country. Everyone know this point. And the issue of Senkaku-island is more debatable topic among them. I guess it is meaningless just to have a meeting to talk about the cooperation unless we get to the solution or suggest some ideas on the issue of Senkaku-island. The other day I took part in the event, Armitage and Campbell: Japan's Security, held at Keio University to debate about the issue that current Japan have including Senkaku-island problem. The key point is the recognition of the history, which we don't know if it is the truth. The vote whether or not the participants agree with the nationalization totally separated into two. Each person feel differently on the history. And only thinking about the solution on Senakaku-island doesn't lead us to get to the solution, but we have to think other problems as well together such as the relationships with Korea, America, Russia. These problems are all related closely. As a conclusion, we have to have a deep understanding about every subject Japan has. Thanks,

1 Do you think it is possible to get along with China without tackling the Senkau-island issue?
2 Do you think China is worth getting closer even if they have some trouble with us? Why?

Shocking Advertisement

You can see shocking advertisement.

Snore Shop is a company which make some medicine or spray for nose and mouth to stop snore. The medicine is made for couples who sleep together. The company made shocking advertisement which an American soldier embracing a Muslim woman. The slogan is "Keeping you together" so their aim is to show how their product are good for even couples who are American soldier and Muslim woman. The company wanted to show couples who we normaly do not see in advertisement.

When I saw this advertisement, I noticed that there is a Muslim woman at first. For Americans or other people, it seemed to be shocking when they saw the advertisement. It was rare thing to use Musim people in advertisement. When we see Muslim people in advertisement, we may think that it is about religion, but it is wrong impression. The advertisement meant that a sign which people accepted as a cultural norm. We should know that there are a lot of types of couples for example, who are same sex or believe different religion. I thought that it is free for everyone to choose their pertner.

What is your impression on Muslim, Chiristian and Buddhist?
How do you think about using Muslim people for advertisement?

The effect of 3-point consumption tax hike

I found this article of raising the transportation fares on Japan Times.

 Japanese government will allow to raise fares in increments of 1 yen for cards users and 10 yen for people who pay in cash. After the consumption tax is raised to 8 percent, there will be two different fares of transportation.

Next April, the sales tax is raised from 5 percent to 8 percent, so it is inevitable to take more cost to use trains or buses. I wonder one thing, that is the difference of the fare between smart cards users and paying cash people. I think it is not suitable for cash users to pay in increments of 1 yen for it. In addition, the number of card users might be increase because fare of card users is little cheaper than paying in cash. People, who use train not everyday for their work but like to go to far place by using trains or buses, would be changed to card user from cash payment user even if they use these transportations not everyday.

I have questions for you.
1. How do you feel the different transportation fares between for card users and for people who pay in cash?
2. Do you agree to raise the fare of transportations like trains and buses?

Scientists decipher dog-tail wags

I found this article on BBC.

Scientists found out a link between wagging dogs’ tails and their feelings. Dogs tend to wag their tails more to the right when they feel happy or relaxed, and more to the left when they are nervous. The movement of a tail gives similar impressions to dogs looking at them.

Although I do not have a dog, I thought there are some people who have a dog and this news might be interesting information for them, so I chose this article. I was surprised that dog’s feeling is different depending on wagging its tail to right or left. I think it is important for pet’s owners to understand their pet’s emotions to make a good relationship with their pet because Animals cannot speak human words. I would like scientists to carry out more research, and I hope people will be able to read animal’s feeling correctly from animal’s behaviors in the future.

・Have you ever seen dogs wagged their tail only right side or left side?
・When you communicate with animals, how do you know their feeling?

Happiness at work: Why money isn't the only thing that matters

I found this article on CNN.

Social motivations make our brains feel physical pleasure and  reject physical pains. One study discovered that individuals who were made feel rejected lowered 15% on an IQ test. That means social motivations are all rewarding and affect positively our brains. Do you have any experience like this? After I read this article, I was able to understand what exactly this article means because I have ever experienced such a positive effect on me. For example, when I was praised from someone, I  felt very glad and I got the feeling that I make efforts to work or study much harder. This shows that the praise from someone have a positive influence on my brain, and the motivation connected to my physical pleasure. Also, I realized that our state of mind and physical state are related each other strongly. Doing something good or fair not only makes someone feel better but also boosts our own productivity or motivation.

I'd like to ask you following questions.
1. Do you have any experience like this article ?
2.If you answer Yes, What is your episode like?

What will it take to fix China's pollution problem?

I found a piece of news about a controversial issue in China on CNN.

China’s air quality is getting worse, so  the new president Xi Jinping tries to address its problem now.  While there is a question: “How can the Chinese fix the problem?”, there is no clear answer. As one solution, slowing down the industrial economy includes good and bad effects.

I think we Japanese surely know about the air pollution problem in China is in critical condition now. Although Japan sometimes focuses on its dirty air in Japan, it is clear that the level of cleanliness of the air is much worse than Japan and other countries. As article says, cutting down workforce in industrial section can be a good effect to China, while it causes much unemployment of the Chinese, so it is difficult to balance the economy and environment. In metropolitan areas of China, the technology is developed so I think introducing more electric cars in the near future should be a good remedy for air pollution. I hope Japan develop natural resources more and more.

Please let me ask you some questions:
1. Can you come up with some ideas to tackle the problem which can keep good balance between in economy and environment?

2. Which do you think is more important to put only one emphasis on the economy or the environment?

The spy planes of the U.S.

I found this article about robot spy planes in BBC.

     It was uncovered that the new unmanned spy plane “SR-72” which is one of the succeeding planes to the supersonic Blackbird “SR-71” is being developed by Lockheed Martin, and this type’s one can reach the speed of Mach 6 and mount weapons to attack against targets.
      According to the article, the “SR-72” will become very fast because it is going to use a special engine, so the enemy have no time to react or escape from “SR-72.” Moreover, Brad Leland, Lockheed Martin's hypersonic programmed manager said that "Speed is the next aviation advancement to counter emerging threats in the next several decades." Therefore, “SR-72” will be operated as main units to strike enemies in the future. However, these robot spy planes which put nobody in them have caused several severe problems, for example, some spy planes have bombed the innocent by mistake. So, I think if they want to make “SR-72” operational by 2030, they should try to solve these issues.

      Now, I wanted to ask you that 1) What do you think about spy planes? and 2) Do you have any idea to solve the problems like bombing errors?

A burned body of a 10-year-old girl in trash can

I read an article about horrible murder on CNN.

According to the article, ten-year-old girl's burned body was found in trash can on Saturday in Atlanta. Her father called the police and told that he wanted to commit suicide. He was arrested at the end for killing and burning her to hide.

I am really sorry to hear such a terrible news. Unfortunately, I hear similar stories to the article almost everyday. I cannot understand at all why some parents kill their children whereas it is natural to love and protect their adorable children. I say for sure to commit murder is completely not forgiven even if there should be reasons which seem to be acceptable. One of problems related to relationships between parents and children in these days is that some parents tend not to have responsibility for raising their children. In aadditon to the problem, it can be said that some parents are in a situation where there is noghing but bringing up their children individually, so that neighbors or even country support them enough is important for making the problem much better. (133 words)

Then, here are 2 questions for you.
1: If you were a politician, what solutions would you promote?
2: What do you want to put emphasis on when you raise a child?

For all of the people in Tohoku on 11/3

I read this article on Japan times.

Eagles beat Giants at K-sta Miyagi on November 3rd. In game 7, Eagles won at the score of 3-0, and they reached top of Japanese baseball teams. Eagles' manager Hoshino sad that he wanted to thank their fans for all they have through after the Japan East Earthquake since March 11th.

I was in front of a television at my house, and the time came. Tohoku Rakuten Golden Eagles, which is a pro baseball team in Japan, beat Yomiuri Giants, and got Japan title for the first time. I was so excited and impressed at the moment when Masahiro Tanaka, who is an ace pitcher in Eagles, struck out from last batter of Giants. After watching this game, I wanted to play baseball again and share delight with teammates like Eagles. At last, the day Eagles got a Japan title was on November 3rd, and the day great earthquake and Tsunami came in Tohoku was on March 11th. I mean the people in Tohoku cried with great sadness on 3/11, but they cried with great happiness on 11/3.

1 Can you believe mysterious power like 3/11 and 11/3?
2 Have you ever experienced such a mysterious situation?

Typhoon Reason

I saw an interesting and little bit trouble news on Japan Times article. That is about typhoon.See? We had it during days of Hama-Kaze, so we worried that. Of course I did: (
Well, here is its URL. 

The numbers of typhoon is probably going to be the highest, it will be over 30 times. The reason why we had typhoon many times in this year is the rising up of temperature and the stream of atmosphere in the sky. Especially, it became over 35 ゚C at many areas till September in Japan. So the temperature in the ocean was risen as well, and the stream brought the hot vapor. 

I am very sorry for many victims in izu Ohshima islands where the big typhoon hit.  Also, like many classes were canceled and school festival was treated by this, so I really do not want to get big typhoon like this year in 2014. On the other hand, it was said that the land of Japan could be not hard, like mud so some scientists said that the big earthquake would hit. But seriously, that did not happen.  Now I think we don't want anymore. 

These are my questions:
What were you doing during typhoon comming?
Should we follow many information for saving ourselves by the disaster?

It will colder, in these days. Wear hot clothes, guys.

Peace you.

Janken Robot Wins Every Single Time

I read this article this week.
Researchers of Tokyo University invented a robot that wins the rock-paper-scissors game every single time. It is equipped with high-speed recognition and reaction system, and they enable it to predict which of them – rock, paper or scissors - a human will choose and to win a Janken game.
 I think it is possible to invent something for humans to win a Janken game as well. The robot actually has high-tech systems, but they would be improved for human’s use in the future and would be portable for practical usage in actual Janken games. It must be quite expensive though. Who will buy the expensive product just to win a Janken game in daily life? It will be a problem, but if it comes true, the investors will definitely praised and the product will be picked out for a hot topic at that time.

Q1. Would you buy the product if it is completed? Why?

Q2. How much can you afford to the high-tech Janken-winning item?

Niger aims to prevent Sahara death.

I found a serious ploblem about Sahara desert at BBC.

The plan which is to ban traveling north out of Niger for women and children is concerned in Niger. On earlier last week, many migrants especially women and children who wanted to get a new job in other places died during their travels the Sahara desert. The plan seems to prevent such a horrible thing.
I was surprised at the serious situation about the country and a way to get a new job. In my case, I can search a job which is located as accessible as possible from my house. In addition, I can select a job from some of them by using the Internet or magazines. However according to the news, they were swearing on their lives to get a new work by traveling the desert. From this article, I can feel how the country's economic situation and transportation are poor for them. However, as the article said, I also think that it is difficult to try to ban traveling through the desert. The reason why is that the rule will involve not only Niger but also other countries. I think it is hard so I consider that the country has to improve own country's economic situation more.

Q1. If you were migrants like them, would you through the desert to get a new job?
Q2. If you were a civilian of the country, what would you want the government to reconsider ?(transportation, working poor etc..)

Music power

I found this article on BBC.

The result of experimentation at the hospital and University of Roehampton shows that Music can reduce pain, slowing heart rates and improving the children's moods. Music has an effect on our thinking, our social behavior, our emotions and our physical responses.
I understood this article very much because I often listening to music when I want to change my mind. For example, classic music make us feel relax, rock music make us feel excited etc. I think music has a big power to people since as mentioned this article, our brain has a deep relationship with music. It might be make a big difference. Therefore we have to make use of music effectively not only in hospitals but also in various scene of daily life.
1. Do you think music has a big power?
2. Why? and How does it affect you?

Marriage Market in China

I found the interesting article on CNN.

Recently, there is a marriage market in Shanghai. It takes place each weekend in Shanghai People’s Park, and many mother and father look for their child’s partner. People put up a poster that is written about their child’s vital statistics. Men can resister for free, but women have to pay charges, and also women have an age limit because there are more women than men now in China.

I am surprised that parents find a partner for their children in the park. It looks like omiai in Japan but I felt strange. I saw some posters on the article, but it has much information but no picture so I thought they do not care their appearance. The article said women cost some money and have an age limit. Women over the age of 27 cannot resister this system. There are more women more than men, so I thought they cannot pair up easily. Anyway, I relieved that parents all over the world are concerned about their children.



1)    What do you think if your parents look for your partner?

2)    Do you use this system if this system is accepted in Japan?

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Eating fresh food!

I found this article on BBC. It is said these days young couples tend to eat less fresh food and choose calorie dense processed food. The reason is happening increasing of food prices and people's income are falling beacause of the recession. Single parent and families have a trouble in their nutritinal control. I think that this is a kind of serious problem and it is hard to change this bad cycle because one of this causes is the recession. If this situation changed, people's income will be increased and they can use their money freely. Then,they can buy luxury things. However, I think buying and eating freash food is most important part to make our health, so it should be essensial things. I know it is easy to eat "calories dense" food, but these are not freash. I think to educate children how to eat and what they eat is important to have good health. I hope therecession will change to good situation,because this change will cause good effect on life. I have two questions. 1,Do you think your familiy is eating fresh food? 2, Which will you choose to eat fresh food or "calories dense" food if you are hungry? and why?

Japan's gender gap!!

I found this article on The Japan Times.

According to this article, the Japan's gender gap was ranked in 105th of 136 countries. This is the lowest rank ever. Following this situation, the government set a goal; to increase the percentage of woman in leadership positions in every sector of society to 30 percent by 2020.

When I noticed this article, I was really shocked as position of women. Despite this issue has been on a debate, any improvement can'be seen. That is really sad. I especially suggest that the government should make more effort to the child care. Because, many woman are eager to return to their workplace even they have children, or after childbirth, but there are no enough nursery schools to fulfill their needs. It is really serious problems among the women. If they can leave their children to nursery school, more and more women can return to their job, and then they can work as equal as men do. If it will so, the rank would be more higher I think.

I have questions!
1) What is more priority things to deal with gender problem?
2) What do you expect for government to prompt the gender issue?

There was a conflict

I found this on CNN.

[Summary] In small village in Bosnia, investigators dug out a mass grave and it contained hundreds of bodies of victims that of the conflict. That was a conflict about the breakup of the former Yugoslavia twenty years ago. Those are thought that victims of Bosniak and Croat ethnicity from Prijidor killed in summer, 1992.

[Reflection] I am surprised that hundreds of dead bodies of victims of Bosnian conflict have not been found until now. In fact, I am interested in Bosnia conflict. At the same time, I feel sad because many people were massacred by Servian influence. I am disagreed with the war or conflict between counties, of course. However, sad to say, I think that the war will never be vanished in this world. The reason why I thought is every people have a desire and some people cannot control it. I really hope that there is the world without the war and hatred.

Q1. Why do you think that the war does not disappear?

Q2. Are you interested in any historical incidents in Europe?

Women are better at multitasking than me

I read this article this week.<br>
According to the survey, women are better at doing some tasks at the same time than men do. It is said that the reason why is that women tend to consider what they will do before doing something, on the other hand, men try to do tasks without thinking in advance.<br>
It is a very surprising and interesting fact. Actually, when I think of my father and mother, I understand it. My mother is good at doing some actions simultaneously, for example, she often cooks something with calling to someone,or write something with watching TV; on the other hand, my father is poor at multitasking.  He always tries to clean his jobs up one by one. This article  shows that how to think between men and women is different and this is the reason why there is difference. For me, multitasking is not tough, I  talk with someone with typing some words on the computer. How about you ? Are you good at do some tasks at the same time ? And do you agree with this article? These questions are for my classmates.