Monday, November 11, 2013

Ships heading to Philippines

I read this article this week.
 Philippine was assailed by the violent typhoon Haiyan, and many people have been killed and injured. The US and British vessels were heading to the Philippines to provide aid for the people threatened by the natural disaster.
 Asian nations would be feared by a typhoon often because of the location, so would Japan. It is possible for Japanese to be threatened by this kind of natural disasters, so I am not able to neglect this topic. Such a terrible and horrible typhoon has actually never come to Japan as far as I remember, but it could do us harm as well. This article mentioned that the countries started to help the people, but what can we Japanese do?  We also should help them and provide something. After the earthquake 3.11 happened and caused a lot of damage to the stricken area, many countries provided materials for the sufferers. Helping each other is awesome. Not only do we provide aid, but also should we think better of what we can do.

Q1. What kind of aid do you think would do except for food? Why?
Q2. If you were stricken by a violent typhoon, what would you like other countries to provide except for food? Why

Wonderful weddings

I read about the amazing weddings this week.

There are a lot of types of wedding in the world. Many couples hold their weddings, and they usually hold it in a church or their house. However, some couples hold their weddings at surprising places for example, in the sea,  hot air balloon and  the sky. We can do the wedding even in an underwater these says.

I saw the news that one couple held their wedding at Yamanote line the other day. I have heard that some couples held their wedding in surprising places for example, in a Disney Resort, a skiing ground and the rooftop of a high building. I thought that it is great to choose their favorite place for the wedding, but for the guests and parents, it is troublesome to go unusual place such as sea or sky. I think that it is good to choose the place which is related to their religion or country's culture. I want to hold the wedding at ususal place in the future.

Where do you want to hold the wedding in the future?
Do you want to invite your family and friends?

Better way to identify people at high risk of a heart attack

I found a hopeful article on BBC.

A new way of scanning which can identify people at  high risk of a heart attack was invented.  The heart attack is one serious cause of death in the world, and more than 100,000 people suffer from it each year in the UK. However, the new scanning would improve these problems.

Sometimes technology lead us to worse conditions accidentally, but the new way of scanning the heart surely help us. I am really amazed at superior power of the technology which makes our everyday life much better these days. On the other hand, I think it is really unhealthy that we tend to rely on the technology too much, and in fact, it causes a lot of lifestyle-related illnesses. Some scientists say that heart attack can be caused by bad lifestyle, so it is one of the lifestyle-relatd illness. Reflecting on the way I live, I can easily see that it probably bring me a heart attack or another life-related illness. In short, we should not live depend heavily on the technology although it is useful, practical and reliable so that we can be much more healthy. (137 words)

Then, here are 2 questions for you.
1: Do you do anything for your better lifestyle?
2: If you could invent anything, what would you invent? Why?

Amazon e-book offer riles independent bookshop owners

I found this article on BBC.

Amazon is planning to sell e-book devices, Kindle, independent book stores in the U.S. Book stores will obtain small amount of money after customers buy books. However, many stores are against the plan because they cannot find advantage on the plan.

Even if book stores can earn by getting money from benefits of e-books, I doubt the plan will work well. Some consumers may use the device, but others may not, so stores sometimes will not have opportunities to benefit from digital data. I also have a personal reason I am not attracted by the plan: I like paper books. I know that e-books are useful, but watching screen all day long is boring for me, and I get tired easily. Also, I want to enjoy looking for interesting books by browsing at book stores. I am sure bookshops must attempt not to go out of use. However, this plan seems to damage paper book sales.

I have two following questions about e-books.
Which do you prefer e-book or paper ones?
Do you think that e-books will replace paper books?

Miley Cyrus 'smokes cannabis' on stage

I found a serious article on BBC.

Miley cyrus who is American singer smoked cannabis on stage at European Music Awards in Amsterdam on November 10th. When she was taking it, she got an award of Best Video at the MTV Music Award. However this behavior was criticized by audience.
I like her and I know the time with her pure image, so the performance is very shocking for fans around the world as well as me. She is American but this important award ceremony was held in Holland. She did an ignominy in other country, not in her country. In addition, the article has reported by BBS which is in England. Luckily, in Holland, taking cannabis or some drugs are legal, so she would not be a criminal. However, the image of American would be bad and she affected teenagers badly because she was an idol for them formerly. She seems that she is used to taking cannabis. I am worried about her being 2nd Britney Spears. I would like to ask some questions: What do you think if Japanese singers smoke on the stage? Do you want to smoke some drugs when you are in Holland? why?

Nexus: Father and Son

Hey, guys! How's going on these cold days? I hope you are doing  well. Anyway, I found an interesting article on Japan Times web site. This is about a father and son who make Sake(酒).

Their family name is Ichikawa, and have been made Sake since the are of Edo. Their shop is standing near by Kyu-Tokaido road in Sizuoka prefecture.
The son, Hidetoshi was learning the way of making Sake by his father, Seiji. Hidetoshi says that he is not going to struggle with anybody else because he believe the Harmony is the most important thing for making Sake. And this throught is by Seiji.

I thought Seiji's thought can be common to many things we do. I don't want to struggle with somebody by the skill of presentation, for example. As we do many things every day, to make harmony bring success and good results. Well, I hope that their shop will be continued.

Here is my questions to you guys:
What do you think about Seiji's thought?
Do you believe anything taught by your parents?

It's getting colder. So care yourself.
Peace you.

"Worse than hell" in Philippines

I found the article on CNN.

The big typhoon named Haiyan hit Philippines. There is no electricity, food and water. Many building were destroyed and many people were killed. Tacolban Mayor said “I have not spoken to anyone who has not lost someone”. Many people have got angry because of the authority’s slow reaction.

I feel depressed that the terrible disaster happened again. I heard that people have got angry to the authority’s slow reaction, so I thought people who have the power to solve problems did not learn from other cases. People should learn something from many disasters. And also I thought there are differences of the speed to revive between an advanced nation and a developing country. A developing country does not have ways to solve many problems and money to cost. Therefore, advanced nations need to help them and people who are in advanced countries should think about people in Philippines.


1)    Do you think all developed countries support Philippines?

2)    Do you think that many disasters are connected with the environmental problems?

Children's policy of China

I read this article about a stateless girl.

A twenty-year-old girl wants to study but she cannot go to school because of China’s one-child policy. She cannot get the nationality, but this policy would be reconsidered so her family tries to make people in the same situation positive and to recognize her as a legal second child.
In China, one-child-policy appeared more than 30 years ago due to restrain increasing the number of people, but it is reviewed because supporting elderly people is hard for young people. I think the girl of this article is very passionate for everything and I wanted to support her and her family. Also, I think there are many other people who cannot get the nationality because of the policy. Without identity, people cannot get the public support and also it is difficult to work same as the people who have nationality. This policy is just an idea to make better only present situation. However, think of future, I think this policy is little hard to accept because few young people should support many elderlies after a few decades of years.
Here are two questions for you.
1.    What do you think about one-child-policy of China?
2.    Think about Japan, these days, declining the number of children is a problem. Can you come up ideas to solve it?

Being a second child

This week I found this article on CNN.

In china, the one-child policy has been enforced and it causing some problems such as a girl who does not have her identity in society. The girl, Li Xue has never spent a day at school because her parents could not pay the penalty. I think that there are many second-child problems in China. If a family had a second child and they are poor, they probabry can not pay penalty. This means the child can not spend a day at school and gat enough social service such as healthcare. I have heard that there are many children who can not spend a day at school because their family have a matter of money. I think this is very serious problem because the population of China is large and government stated one-child policy, so people in China have to obey this policy. However, some family have a baby unexpectly and they do not have enough money to pay penalty. I hope Chine government should state a new policy like second-child policy as soon as possible so that many second children can take enough education. I have two questions relating to this article,1 What do you think about the one-child policy? 2 What do you think if Japan have the one-child policy?

NHK should keep neutrality

This week, I read this article about politics.
The Japanese Diet confirmed that nominated people with the picks for the public broadcaster’s boards of governor. The people have However, some party and people have shown the disapproval against it because it may cause bias while the Japanese Communist Party and the Social Democratic Party agree with this movement.
In this article, some of the names of principals are announced as the government-chosen nominees for leadership post at public organizations, and the one of nominated company is NHK (Nippon Hoso Kyoku.) NHK have to be a neutral side about politics, so if they broadcast the program with bias, I disagree with this movement. However, this is good way to make people’s interests in politics because many Japanese people including me have few interests in it. This article says this is for the next election of the president. This is maybe true but it has the other advantage as I mentioned.
I have two questions for you. Are you interested in Japanese politics? Why? More Japanese people should know about the government. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

Multilingual translation system for 2020 Olympics

I found this article on JapanTimes.

Japanese internal affairs ministry plans to improve multilingual translation system for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. The system called VoiceTra can translate Japanese messages into 27 languages and read out 17 of them. It is hoped the system can help remove language barriers and make foreign visitors relieved.

I think it is a nice preparation for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics because I expect many people who each speak different languages will come to Japan in 2020, and language is one of the important communication tools. Because of a big earthquake in 2011 and the nuclear disasters, many foreigners may be concerned about the safety and security of Japan. I hope their anxiety will be reduced by development of the translation system. As another my impression of this article, I was surprised that the translation system can not only translate Japanese into another language, but also read the massages aloud. We may hear the voice of VoiceTra throughout our society in 2020!

・What do you think about the translation system?
・Have you ever used any translation system? How did you feel?

How to help Typhoon Haiyan survivors

I found this news from CNN.

A very powerful typhoon Hayan attacked the Philippines and about 10,000 people were killed. The scale of damage is hopelessly big, and damaged areas have serious problems which are related to food, shelter, medical assistance  etc. So many organizations are trying to help victims from the various directions. I felt this news is very sad. However, we can not blame anyone for this damage, because this is not a murder case, but a natural disaster. So, the only way to make the situation better is that overseas countries support them as much as they can. We, Japanese know how horrible a natural disaster is, because we experienced the terrible earthquake before. That is why we have to help and support them even thought our supports are very small. Also, I found that this article has the address or organization that we contact if we are looking for someone or know about someone there. Media can not only tell the horrible news to the world but also give us the clues that people from overseas support them. This is Media's one of the big advantages. So I realize Media has a great power to influence people all over the world.

I'd like to ask you following questions.
1, If you were attacked by terrible typhoon, what kind of help would you need?
2,Do you think Media has a big power ? If you answer YES, please tell me the reason and your experience.

The metal gun with 3-D printers

I found this article about 3-D printers in CNN.
     In November 9th, Solid Concepts, a company of manufacturing in Texas has revealed that they made a gun from stainless steel that has very similar looks with the real hand gun to warn the dangerous of 3-D printers because 3-D printers will let criminals make their own weapons.
     The first time I heard about the 3-D printers, I was very excited because we will be able to create anything we want by using the 3-D printers if we have enough materials to produce something. In addition, the price of them may be higher now, but it will become cheaper someday. So we can expect the age of owning the 3-D printer by myself. However, this new technology has some problems such as this article, so we have to establish some rules to use the 3-D printers safety and peacefully. The 3-D printers will be very useful and so I do not want people who contrive to use them in wrong way.
     Now, I wanted to ask you that 1) What did you think about the 3-D printer? And 2) Should we make some rules about the 3-D printer? Why or why not?

Konkatsu: find your love

I read the article on Japan Times.

The way of finding a partner is changing as time goes by. Matchmaking party called Gokon is no longer held, but others such as Machikon and Shumikon are now popular. These events have brought the benefit to the economy of the town where the event taken place.

I have never participated in the event like this, many other my friends have taken part in though. According to the article, the more birth rate is decreasing, the less opportunity the chance we can find the best partner appears, which is true. However, I feel this doesn't make sense to me to have a matchmaking party and find a partner because the meeting isn't really what we look for but what happens to us without any expectation. Anyway, the good point is that there are some benefits not only for those finding a partner, but for economy in the area as well. I think this is the main purpose to have the matchmaking party and it is worth having for the town in which there isn't enough people to activate themselves.
Surprisingly, there are so many kinds of matchmaking parties in Japan. The event where fans of the anime gather is called Eva-kon, another people come to shrine is called Jisha-kon. I am just concerned about the Japanese future.

1 Do you want to participate in a matchmaking party? Why or Why not?

2 Do you think this is the best way to find your love?

Are children given too many toys?


I found the article on BBC.
According to the article, British alone spend 3 billion pounds each year on toys. In short, children are given too many toys from their parents because they are eager to grant children’s desires. However, more toys could make them more selfish.
When I was a child, I used to plead my parents for toys, but I surprised the result of this research. I think they spend too much money on toy. It responds to the change of the toys. These days, children tends to like TV games better than classical ones, like blocks, dolls etc. Parents do not be a children’s yes-man even if they are so cute. They have a responsible for choosing good and accurate toys for their children. In my opinion, children should play outside with their friends, family or their neighborhood more and more. It could be help to build a close colony. Then I have 2 questions for you.
1.What is the best toy for children?
2.Why do you think so?

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Row over US mobile phone 'cockroach backpack' app

I found interesting news on BBC.

The Backyard Brains company in the U.S has invented  “Roboroach” which is so called electronic backpack and which allows the real cockroach to be controlled by a mobile phone application. For using a living creature, there are critical comments against it by critics who say it is very cruel.
At first looking, I thought the thing which ‘looked cockroach’ is completely a device, but it is actually a living thing, so I am surprised. I am interested in controlling it too. However, I partially agree with critics’ opinion. Don’t you feel the process of making “Roboroach” is cruel even if many Japanese people have a negative impression against a cockroach? Meanwhile, the attitudes of the company is great. It understands the current situation in neuroscience education well. In addition, I think nowadays more and more people like using smart phone with some apps, so the release of this product is timely and clever, therefore smart phone’s users can be attracted by it. Sales of the “cockroach” will depend on customers’ preferences.
Let me ask you some questions.
1. Are you for or against this U.S. product? Why?
2. As technology develops what kind of inventions with smart phone do you expect in the future?

Food Mislabeling Scandals!

I found this column on The Japan Times.

Hiroshi Desaki resigned as president of Hankyu Hanshin Hotels to take responsibility for a scandals of its restaurants. The restaurants have served dishes as containing expensive ingredients but in fact they were quite ordinary. The company has set \110 million to reimburse customers who purchases them between 2006 and 2013.

I really disappointed this news because the company has lied so many people by mislabeling menu to cut their costs. It should not tolerated socially. We, all customers really expect to have served good meals in a hotel, so they; who purchased that meals must have shocked to know the fact because they had paid a lot. To satisfy the all customers, the campaniles have to review the their CSR I think. I learnt CSR in another class, it stands for; Corporate Social Responsibility. As the meaning, the company have to serve great quality service and safety to the customer. If the companies follow their CSR sincerely, these scandals would never be happened. In this case, Hankyu Hanshin Hotels president should have not resigned. The Japanese company's president often resign when they have trouble to take its responsibility. But it is not good, they have to choose to recover the company not resign with remaining the post.

2questions are here!
*What would you feel when your meal was fake?
*How can this company get reliance they had lost?

Holy Fire

Sochi Winter Olympic is coming soon, and I found an article about the "holy fire" on Japan Times.
 Two Russian cosmonauts performed a handoff of the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympic Games Torch when they walked on space outside the International Space Station on November 10, 2013. This was for the first time that the torch was on space even though it has visited the ISS before.
It was in 1969 that human reached and stood on the moon. The article reminded me of the great achievement. I have ever read a book about mission Apollo, and I realized how hard mission and big dream reaching the moon was for human. After I finished the book, I was so impressed and got interested in the space. Now, human have improved and developed lots of technologies, and many people reached the space. I think this is amazing!! According to the article I read, this was the first time the Olympic torch came to outside of the space. By progressing in many technologies, "for the first time" becomes “it has already done". It might come to the era when human could live in another planet in the future.

1 What do you think about improving techologies?
2 What can you see in the future?

Do not use mobile phone on airplane

I read this article from bbc. Using electronic devices make the situation on the plane worse, because the senses from electronic devices could affect systems of airplanes. The more people turn their electronic devices on, the more dangerous the situation of planes are.

Actually, I know that we should not turn our phones or laptops on, while we are boarding on the plane. Some flight attendants always say ‘Turn you phone off absolutely’ However, I did not know the reason why we cannot use electronic devices. After reading this article, I came to think that I try not to use them because it is a potential that airplane we are taking could be strange and could not be operated. In fact, I have seen some people using electronic devices such as phones, laptops and so on while planes are flying. I’d like you not to turn your electronic devices on when you take the planes in order not to cause the big accidents.
Then, I have two questions for my classmates. One is that have you ever used your electronic devices like phones or computer? Why did you use them even if you should have been told to refrain from using them by flight attendants? The other is that did you know why you have to ban using your electronic devices while you take the planes?

Could you be satisfied with a replica?

I found an interesting news on BBC.

The exhibition of replica of King Tutankhamun's tomb is going to be held in Egypt before long. The display is an imitation but it was made elaborately so it looks very real. The authorities hope and want tourists to come the exhibition instead of the original to prevent degrading of its quality.

I agree with this thinking to preserve the original tomb. Actually, It is easy to visit and enjoy seeing the original but If the original would be worse condition by visiting a lot of people there, It would be difficult to repair it. I think that the replica is enough for people like me to feel a historical object because the replica was made very similar with real object. Therefor, maybe we can not distinguish which is the realia. In my opinion, I think that just people like researchers and experts who really want to know and research must visit and other people should avoid going there to keep condition of an important historical thing.

1,Which will you visit to enjoy seeing the tomb? real or replica?
2,Do you agree with using the replica instead of the original tomb?

What should we eat if you want to get a productive idea at work?

I found a article on this site.
Most of the workers might get tired in the afternoon occasionally, and it is a universal fact. 77 percent of people who answered the recent survey said that they often eat a certain food if they knew those foods make thier brain more fresh. According  to a small British research, Darkchocolates and waters are good foods to stay our brain more productive.

I am also getting tired after the lunch time, although I usually do not eat anything to work my brain  more productively, I found that there are several reasons which foods makes our thinking more productive.
For example the news site said that Darkchocolates help our feel awake because of the ingredient called "flavanols". Moreover water is also good for us. I thought water is noot food, and it dose not make someone help or awake. So I am surprised that we can not focus on the job because of the dehydrate including our brain. So water supplemented our body everyday.

Do you usually do or eat something to keep awaking from sleepiness?
What do you do if you want to focus on your job?