Monday, November 18, 2013

Kangaroo helps pre-term babies

I found an article related to health on BBC.

Some researchers found that basic and intensive care that kangaroos do in their pouches, such as breastfeeding, temperature control and protection from infection, is the better way to save pre-term babies in the world  from impairment or death.

I did not know that kangaroo has such a great and practical way of childcare, and it is a better way to save babies who were born too soon from diseases which cause a serious disorder or even death. For better or worse, we tend to heavily rely on the power of technology to solve complicated problems; however, I can say for sure that we can get a lot of useful and effective solutions from not only artificial things but also nature, and in fact, this "kangaroo care" is one of the examples of the fact that nature can improve our lives. Finally, I really hope that pre-term babies survive strongly. (110 words)

Then, here are 2 questions for you.
1: Do you have  your own way to solve difficult problems? If yes, what?
2: What do you think is a practical and effective way to share ideas which makes our lives much better?

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