Sunday, November 17, 2013

The waitress who was refused a tip because she's gay

I read this article on CNN.

According to this, a waitress in New Jersey could not get a tip from a family who gave a message that they disagree with her lifestyle and how she lives because she is gay. She told about this incident to CNN, then she got tips from all over the world.
I could not believe about this family and the reason, but more than this I'm proud of people in the world because they definitely acted to be against the family's thought. This action is not easy. In Japan, there is no system of tip like American society, but I do not care about server's lifestyle and her or him appearance when I am eating in a restaurant. People should pay tips for just appreciation of servers' behavior regardless of their lifestyle. It is because these are not necessary information for customers obviously. In addition, It is a pity that the children who were raised by the parents were taught discrimination naturally.

Here is the question:
What do you think if your personality was denied by other people?
Can you send tips for people like this woman?

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