Sunday, October 20, 2013

Big typhoon attacked Japan

I was surprised to see this news from Japan Times.

On Wednesday, typhoon named Wipha came to Japan with strong winds and intence rains. Because of this, many houses were collapsed and some people were killed. Also, some transportations wouldn't work. This typhoon brought a lot of damages to Japan.
Actually, it is said that this typhoon is the biggest typhoon in this year, so I was afraid of this typhoon. On Wednesday, I didn't have to go to school, so I stayed at home. Even I was in the house, I was able to hear the big sound of the winds and rains. I also felt the house shake due to the strong winds. Unfortunately, some people were dead especially in Izu-Oshima island as this article states. Typhoon is the natural phenomenon,so we wouldn't be able to avoid it. We shoud try to consider how we protect ourselves from typhoon. We might make our houses stronger by doing something and protect for taking refuge.
I also think the cause of typhoon is related to global warming. It changes the world climates and makes it easier to occur the typhoon.
Then, I came up with two questions. 1. What do you think is the causes of occurance of typhoon? 2. Do you prepare for emergency evacuation because of natural disaster?

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