Monday, October 21, 2013

30,000 tonnes of food "wasted"

I founfd this news on BBC!

The giant supermarket Tesco has revealed that 28,500 tonnes food waste were generated in their store and distribution centers. Despite this supermarket has been struggle with this problem not to produce any waste, it does not go well. This store stated they want to make a change in their store.

After finished reading, I thought of the case of Japan, because the Japan wastes the largest amount of waste in the world. Therefore, Japan is worse than this company. When I worked some restaurant, I astonished the amount of it. The stores created so much amount of waste everydays. It is really "Mottainai"!! this word is kind of Japanese spilit toward the feeling of throwing the food in vain. But unfortunetly, I have no idea to solve this problem. It is because, the stores can not manage with holding enough foods, so they tend to stck more and more food to attract the customer. The bad thing is to throw the food without any hesitation when these foods don't reach the shelf-ife.

* What is your norm to choose fruit or vegitables?
* What do you think aboout the waste of food?

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