Sunday, October 20, 2013

THE most expensive instrument?

I found surprising article on CNN.

 [Summary] According to UK-based auction house, on Saturday, a violin which played by Titanic’s band leader sold at auction for more than 1.7 million dollars. It is by far the highest price ever fetched for the sunken ship. Nothing can beat this enormous price said Sopin, who helped verified the fact that the violin came from Titanic.

 [Reflection] I just read the headline and I was really surprised. Just one music instrument’s price has been 140 million yen. I think it is too expensive although I know that some music instruments are expensive such as a piano and drums. But, considering Titanic’s memorabilia, it may be reasonable. Almost people know about Titanic, and Titanic’s accident was made into movie by James Cameron. It was awarded many prizes and it became one of the most successful movies. I understand why the want such things even though it is expensive. I want to get some goods I interested in like soccer, bands.

Q1. Would you like to buy historical things like that?
 Q2. What do you think about this price?

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