Thursday, October 10, 2013

Let's donate food!

I read this article on BBC.

British Red Cross is going to start to collect food for people who do not have enough food. In this campaign, British Red Cross will send vorlanteers to supermarkets to collect food from shoppers and then they send food to food banks through the charity. I think this campaign is going to lead good situation to provide food to people who do not have enough food or money because we know there are many people who are starving in the world, however, we do not know clearly what we should do to solve these problems. I think that it is easy to donate food because this campaign is going to take place in supermarkets, so people can easily join the campaing. In addtion, I think there are tons of problems that we have to solve about food. For example, the amount of food which is treated like waste in supermarkets,convenience stores and restaurants even we can eat them. We have to share food equally around the world, but it is hard to do, so there are some problems about famine and obese. I hooe that this campaign will lead a good way to solve the problem about food and many people will join this campaign. I have two questions 1, What do you think that if this campaign take plase in Japan? 2, Do you usually act something for the food problems such as famine?

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