Monday, October 7, 2013

Walking more 'would save thousands' of lives in the UK

Hi, I read interesting article on BBC.

The Ramblers and Macmillan Cancer Support stated that walking was a free activity which could change people's health. If people, did moderate physical exercise every week it would save lives, prevent cancer etc.

When I read the article I thought that it was a very easy way to maintain or improve our health. I walk about 20 minutes from Makuhari station to KUIS (from KUIS to the station) every day. I like walking on sunny day. It is also good to clear my mind so I recommend walking to my friends who take a bus every day. It does not have to be long walk. Do a small amount of light exercise; it would benefit our health greatly. Moreover, we have to realize that we also need a well-balanced meal and enough sleep.

I'd like to ask you the following questions.

1.    How long do you walk every day?

2.    What do you do for your health?

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