Monday, October 7, 2013

Let's get off the sofa and walk!!

I found this article on BBC

Walking or some other physical activity would decrease the odds of heart problems and stroke, report says. Furthermore, certain study showed walking at least an hour a day cut the risk of breast cancers, so the some charities are running the Waliking foe Health Program in an attmpt to make the people think the walking is more affordable way to get active.

However I recognize walking is good for health and the best way to keep good shape, I don't walk enough such ammount a day. I think it is because, I rely on transportations too much and use it every single day, so I don't walk long distance. And it is hard for me to make time to walk as an excise in everyday. When I finished reading this article, I found many remarkable advantages of moderate walking such as preventing the breast cancer or saving our lives and so on. Therefore, I would like to convey this fact I got to my family and friend! And also I want to make it rule to walk in my daily life.

Here is my questions!
How much do you walk in a week?
What do you think the charities doing for people to get up their feet?

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