Monday, October 7, 2013

New metals were discovered!

I found interesting news at BBC!

 A new metal crystal which is called"martensite" was discovered by scientists at University of Minnesota. The shape of the metal will be changed to much various forms. The metal is very flexibility so it can be categorized "shape memory" metals. The metal is expected to use from space vehicles to electronics to jet engines because of those applications.

 When I read the article I was very surprised at the report. I had thought that all kind of metals were founded by human. However, in this time, the new metal was reported so I considered that there any other metals are still existing in the earth! By the way, the article said about the metal that it can be used to improve electronic equipments and space vehicles more efficiently. These days, the development of the space vehicle is getting people's attention so I expect the metal to support the project. In addition, I am interested in how will the metal be used for those equipments.

After reading this,
What do you think that are there mamy undiscovered metals in the earth still?
Which field do you want to be developped most(space vehicles,electronics or jet engines) by using the metal?
why?why not?

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