Monday, November 11, 2013

Amazon e-book offer riles independent bookshop owners

I found this article on BBC.

Amazon is planning to sell e-book devices, Kindle, independent book stores in the U.S. Book stores will obtain small amount of money after customers buy books. However, many stores are against the plan because they cannot find advantage on the plan.

Even if book stores can earn by getting money from benefits of e-books, I doubt the plan will work well. Some consumers may use the device, but others may not, so stores sometimes will not have opportunities to benefit from digital data. I also have a personal reason I am not attracted by the plan: I like paper books. I know that e-books are useful, but watching screen all day long is boring for me, and I get tired easily. Also, I want to enjoy looking for interesting books by browsing at book stores. I am sure bookshops must attempt not to go out of use. However, this plan seems to damage paper book sales.

I have two following questions about e-books.
Which do you prefer e-book or paper ones?
Do you think that e-books will replace paper books?

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