Monday, November 11, 2013

Ships heading to Philippines

I read this article this week.
 Philippine was assailed by the violent typhoon Haiyan, and many people have been killed and injured. The US and British vessels were heading to the Philippines to provide aid for the people threatened by the natural disaster.
 Asian nations would be feared by a typhoon often because of the location, so would Japan. It is possible for Japanese to be threatened by this kind of natural disasters, so I am not able to neglect this topic. Such a terrible and horrible typhoon has actually never come to Japan as far as I remember, but it could do us harm as well. This article mentioned that the countries started to help the people, but what can we Japanese do?  We also should help them and provide something. After the earthquake 3.11 happened and caused a lot of damage to the stricken area, many countries provided materials for the sufferers. Helping each other is awesome. Not only do we provide aid, but also should we think better of what we can do.

Q1. What kind of aid do you think would do except for food? Why?
Q2. If you were stricken by a violent typhoon, what would you like other countries to provide except for food? Why

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