Monday, November 11, 2013

Nexus: Father and Son

Hey, guys! How's going on these cold days? I hope you are doing  well. Anyway, I found an interesting article on Japan Times web site. This is about a father and son who make Sake(酒).

Their family name is Ichikawa, and have been made Sake since the are of Edo. Their shop is standing near by Kyu-Tokaido road in Sizuoka prefecture.
The son, Hidetoshi was learning the way of making Sake by his father, Seiji. Hidetoshi says that he is not going to struggle with anybody else because he believe the Harmony is the most important thing for making Sake. And this throught is by Seiji.

I thought Seiji's thought can be common to many things we do. I don't want to struggle with somebody by the skill of presentation, for example. As we do many things every day, to make harmony bring success and good results. Well, I hope that their shop will be continued.

Here is my questions to you guys:
What do you think about Seiji's thought?
Do you believe anything taught by your parents?

It's getting colder. So care yourself.
Peace you.

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