Thursday, November 7, 2013

Facebook is gone

I found interesting article on CNN.

[Summary] Every day, one buttons are seen more than 22 billion times, appeared on 7.5 million websites. According to new numbers released by the social network, that buttons are the Facebook Like and Share buttons. These are the most widespread of internet icons and both of them will be resigned first time ever.

[Reflection] I cannot understand why they decided to change these impressive icons. I think it is not needed to take the trouble to change them. I am actually one of the users of Facebook, so I really surprised at this decision. These icons are very familiar to me and sociable because we can express how we sympathize with something to people all over the world by these unique icons. This “thumb up” image could make people to understand the meaning of button easily. However, I have to accept this reality because there seem to be few oppositions and it would never be the same again.

 Q1. Which designs do you prefer?
 Q2. Do you think this change make it some differences?

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