Monday, November 4, 2013

Japan and China

This is the article I read this week.

The Japan-China Economic Association is eager to have a discussion in order to strengthen the economic relations. Some people in both countries say that we should tackle this issue along with the tough one which is about Senkaku island.

The relations among Asia seem to be the considerable one that we have to built. The relation between Japan and China is also very important for both countries, especially for Japan, to improve and recover the economy in the country. Everyone know this point. And the issue of Senkaku-island is more debatable topic among them. I guess it is meaningless just to have a meeting to talk about the cooperation unless we get to the solution or suggest some ideas on the issue of Senkaku-island. The other day I took part in the event, Armitage and Campbell: Japan's Security, held at Keio University to debate about the issue that current Japan have including Senkaku-island problem. The key point is the recognition of the history, which we don't know if it is the truth. The vote whether or not the participants agree with the nationalization totally separated into two. Each person feel differently on the history. And only thinking about the solution on Senakaku-island doesn't lead us to get to the solution, but we have to think other problems as well together such as the relationships with Korea, America, Russia. These problems are all related closely. As a conclusion, we have to have a deep understanding about every subject Japan has. Thanks,

1 Do you think it is possible to get along with China without tackling the Senkau-island issue?
2 Do you think China is worth getting closer even if they have some trouble with us? Why?

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