Monday, November 4, 2013

Marriage Market in China

I found the interesting article on CNN.

Recently, there is a marriage market in Shanghai. It takes place each weekend in Shanghai People’s Park, and many mother and father look for their child’s partner. People put up a poster that is written about their child’s vital statistics. Men can resister for free, but women have to pay charges, and also women have an age limit because there are more women than men now in China.

I am surprised that parents find a partner for their children in the park. It looks like omiai in Japan but I felt strange. I saw some posters on the article, but it has much information but no picture so I thought they do not care their appearance. The article said women cost some money and have an age limit. Women over the age of 27 cannot resister this system. There are more women more than men, so I thought they cannot pair up easily. Anyway, I relieved that parents all over the world are concerned about their children.



1)    What do you think if your parents look for your partner?

2)    Do you use this system if this system is accepted in Japan?

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