Sunday, November 3, 2013

Women are better at multitasking than me

I read this article this week.<br>
According to the survey, women are better at doing some tasks at the same time than men do. It is said that the reason why is that women tend to consider what they will do before doing something, on the other hand, men try to do tasks without thinking in advance.<br>
It is a very surprising and interesting fact. Actually, when I think of my father and mother, I understand it. My mother is good at doing some actions simultaneously, for example, she often cooks something with calling to someone,or write something with watching TV; on the other hand, my father is poor at multitasking.  He always tries to clean his jobs up one by one. This article  shows that how to think between men and women is different and this is the reason why there is difference. For me, multitasking is not tough, I  talk with someone with typing some words on the computer. How about you ? Are you good at do some tasks at the same time ? And do you agree with this article? These questions are for my classmates.

1 comment:

  1. This is very interesting! I always multitask but sometimes I start five or six different tasks and forget what I'm doing...
