Monday, November 4, 2013

Janken Robot Wins Every Single Time

I read this article this week.
Researchers of Tokyo University invented a robot that wins the rock-paper-scissors game every single time. It is equipped with high-speed recognition and reaction system, and they enable it to predict which of them – rock, paper or scissors - a human will choose and to win a Janken game.
 I think it is possible to invent something for humans to win a Janken game as well. The robot actually has high-tech systems, but they would be improved for human’s use in the future and would be portable for practical usage in actual Janken games. It must be quite expensive though. Who will buy the expensive product just to win a Janken game in daily life? It will be a problem, but if it comes true, the investors will definitely praised and the product will be picked out for a hot topic at that time.

Q1. Would you buy the product if it is completed? Why?

Q2. How much can you afford to the high-tech Janken-winning item?


  1. What about robots that can win card games or dice games? I would be interested in those.

  2. No cheating No win.
