Monday, December 9, 2013

Killing cancer like the common cold

I found this article from CNN.

At the university of Pennsylvania, a new experimental therapy against cancer has been adopted. The new treatment works on a patients own immune cell and makes it become more able to kill the cancer. 

I was taken aback to read this article, because I was under the impression that "cancer"is really hard to cure, and I'm amazed that medical treatment is progressing day by day. This news will be very encouraging for not only someone who are struggling by the cancer, but also supporters of the patients like family or friends. Also, I was surprised to know that this treatment might not take a decade to become available to anyone who needs it. In  this article, Nick Wilkings who was turned out he had leukemia is featured. He knew he would die if he kept having the traditional treatment. So, he took this new experimental treatment, and he recovered from leukemia. If I ware him, I would definitely hesitate to take this therapy because this is experimental and there is no precedent. Actually his father said he had no choice to survive, but I think his action is brave and admirable. He proved that this treatment is effective by himself. I wish the therapy progressed and became a hope for the patients.

I want to ask you following questions.
1. If you were Nick, would you decide to take this experimental treatment, or not?
2. Do you know other progressing medical treatments? If yes, please tell me. 

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