Sunday, December 8, 2013

The first man and man marriage in Australia

I found this article on The Japan Times.

Same sex marriage was allowed in Australia, and the marriage of two men, Ivan Hinton and Chris Theo was held at old Parliament House in Canberra, but it is said that if the unions High Court  reject the law, the new law that allows same sex marriage will not live long.

I have been interested in these kind of sexual problem because my high school assistant English teacher was gay, and he often tell me many problem and concerns of gays. In my opinion, I'm sad to hear that there are many countries which don't allow same sex marriages. People should understand there are not only men and women.  As we can marry who we want, gay and lesbian couple should be allowed to marry. Also, these name such as "gay" or "lesbian" should be throw away. Since we  call them with these name, it  can devide kind of general people and strange people.

* what do you feel if someone in your family were kind of gay or lesbian?
* do you think same sex marriage should be accepted? why/why not?

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