Monday, September 30, 2013

A dominant cause of global warming.

I found this article from BBC!


The UN's climate published a report that human is the main cause of global warming. Especially, greenhouse gas which is emitted by people is deeply connected to the problem. Scientists said that the cause has been made worse since 1970 and the panel considered that it is important to decrease the amount of the gas. (55)


I had not known that the situation of global warming has been existed as a serious problem since 1970 until I read this article. At that time, I was not born. Needless to say, I did not consider about the problem when I was childhood. These years, I felt the bad effects of the problem especially at the summer. In this year, there were a lot of days which are intense heat, and at the Kouchi prefecture in Japan, the Meteorological Agency wrote down 41.0 degrees as the worst record. The problem sometimes brings about not only abnormal weather but also destroying nature so I thought that people have to consider about greenhouse gas more carefully. (116)


1. What kind of an abnormal weather which is caused by global warming do you know? (How was that happened?)

2. Do you have any ideas to improve or solve the problem?

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