Monday, September 30, 2013

Why has an India’s Calcutta city banned cycling?

I found this article from BBC.



The authorities in Calcutta telling people to get off their cycles in the city during the day because there is not enough space for all kind of vehicles and it cause traffic jam. However, many people still riding a bicycle.



According to the article, bicycles are main transportation for Calcutta people who cannot afford to buy car or motor bicycles. If this rule is applied more strictly, their life will turn difficult. I am worried about them, and also I think there are another ways to change this situation.  For example, broaden roads or build roads for only bicycles. Some European countries (which regard bicycles as important transportation) apply the bicycle lanes. The authorities should not ban bicycles. Automobile exhaust does serve damage to the environment so they should encourage cycling for not only Calcutta people, but also for nature.



1. How often do you use bicycle?

2. If bicycle lanes will apply in Japan, what do you think?

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