Monday, September 30, 2013

Teachers get performance pay

This week I found this article on BBC.

[Summary] In England and Wales, teachers may can get performance pay because members of some unions striked against teachers over pay. However, it is said that most parents want school to follow a national pay system. It is required to pay the equality and suitable salaries to teachers.

[Reflection] When I read this news, I was surprised because it is rare to pay salaries to teachers according to their performance in Japan. I think that it is said that teachers get steady and good salaries, but I know it is hard to teach and prepare for their classes. I think they need to get good salaries because they take care of students who are going to play an active role in society. However, there is some problems about teachers behavior. If some teachers do not give lessons well and students get bored with these teachers lessons, I think they do not have to get good salaries. I am interested in this performance pay because this act will motivate teachers to wark hard.

・School should control teachers income according to students evaluate.
・What do you think if this performance pay introduce to Japan?

1 comment:

  1. It's interesting idea, if this action introduce in Japan, teacher will work hard to get extra saraly and it would motivate them surely. Nayuki, Sae,Kazuki
