Monday, September 30, 2013

U.N. climate change report points blame at humans

I read this news from CNN.

Human activities have affected climate change and caused global problems such as the rise of seas. Global warming has been occurring with obvious changes. Scientists said the last 30-year period is "very possible" the warmest in the last 800 years.

I often hear the news about global warming, and actually I feel the changes in my daily life, especially summer. Abnormal weather like hurricanes or extremely heavy rain attacked Japan. Now, it is a common idea that human activities are contributing to global warming, and we need to take actions to lower the speed of warming. Each of us is responsible for this change as one of lives who lives in and share the earth. We can take small actions for stopping the warming in our daily life, and I think talking about the measures with friends or family is very effective to keep having consciousness of environmental problems.

1. What small action can you take for stopping global warming?
2. Have you ever felt global warming influences the environment or our daily lives?

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