Monday, December 2, 2013

Amazon's new Deliver machine

Hey guys welcome to the finest Journal, today  : ) I also find an interesting news on the Japan Times web site , to access, click the link description below

Amazon is popular merchandise website and  market treat so many products,  and this company is looking at the its future, they are going to use an machine called "Octocopter", like a helicopter as their own deliverer. This decision is opened by the CEO Jeff Bezos  to the society. This Odtocopter can bring the baggage in 30 minutes to the location the order-er is living. They are now testing this craft for running in 4 to 5 years after.

*This is cited from its news , and same URL.

I think this looking is quite interesting. A lot of baggage are carried every day by truck, train, ship and aircraft. Those vehicle produces many CO2 to move, but this is seemed to fly with propeller, so maybe better than them. This  machine can bring the things we order in early minutes, so Amazon will not be said that it is little bit slow to send us the products already, I expect. On the other hand, about overseas,  I worry that it will be shot and their baggage would be stolen. I wonder how will Amazon avoid such a accident, and now I am looking forward to hear next news.

So, Question Time!
1) What the products you waited for the longest time to come your house after you ordered?
2)Guess what machine or vehicle will bring us our baggage in 50 years after future.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, Haruya.
    Is this machine manipulated by humans?
