I read this interesting article on BBC.
Today, checking our smartphone has become a
bad habit. Moreover this is a big problem for society, so one man designed seven
“smarter smartphone” rules which could be break the routine and to remember the
importance of moment.
When I read this article, I noticed that I spent
a lot of time on smartphone. Actually, I know that it is a bad routine and waste
of times so I want to stop using it frequently. It is a not easy because I take
out my smartphone from my bag almost unconsciously. Luckily, I could find the
way to stop using smartphone therefore I will try to these rules from now to transform
my relationship with my i phone. Here, are seven “smarter smartphone” rules. 1.
Talk now, text later, 2. Take a phone-free day, 3. Avoid being a search-it-all,
4. Elbows and phones off the table, 5. Look before you snap, 6. Taste before
you upload, 7. Kiss your phone goodnight
How long do you spend to use
your smartphone a whole day?2. Will you change your bad smartphone habit? How will you change it?
I like rule #6. Sometimes my food gets cold before I'm done taking photos. It's sad.