Monday, October 14, 2013

Visa rules for Chinese coming to the UK to be relaxed

I found this article on BBC.

The UK Chancellor George Osborne announced that visa applications for Chinese visiting the UK will become simpler. By this plan, Chinese people visiting the EU will not need to submit separate UK visa applications to travel to the UK. It can promote business deals between the UK and China.

I am not familiar with visa rules, but I think it is good that visa applications for Chinese will be simplified because it can bring benefit not only to the business, but also to a friendship between the UK and China. According to this article, currently Chinese people can visit many of the European countries with a single visa, but they need a separate one to travel to the UK. By introducing this plan, however, they will not need to submit separate visa applications and it will become easy for them to visit the UK. I do not know how Japanese visitors’ visa is, so I want to research more about visa.

・What do you think about this news?
・Have you ever gotten visa? Which country?

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