Monday, October 14, 2013

Real-life hobbit village planned for Swedish isle

The article on Japan Times describes that a real “hobbit village” is constructed in Sweden. The village is set in an island with the abundant nature, and houses will be made of natural materials. However, it will be a modern residential area with energy-efficient infrastructure.
At first, I was attracted by a fantastic picture which illustrates the house. It never looked like a real building and I saw the name Tolkien in the article, so I though that the picture would be from a kind of fiction story. I guessed the article is about a new amusement plan like a theme park. However, I was surprised because the village is actually planed for people to live. On the other hand, I thought that the hobbit village is a good idea to gather attention of public, and let them consider environmental problems. Many people especially who love novels written by Tolkien will care about news on the village, and they also will be interested in the reason why the village is going to be built, and the concept of it.
Now, I want you to ask following two questions about this interesting village.
Which design do you prefer a modern house or a classical one?
Do you want to live an ecological house in an island?

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